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  • Manatee Football

Rebuilt From the Ground Up….Hurricanes.

Hurricanes, here we go! We have so much brand-new, amazing news that we don't even know where to begin as another season approaches quickly. Let's start with the idea of a fresh start. We flip the coin to this year, which has undergone a complete makeover after last year's undeniable lack of organization. Head Coach Green has spent the spring and summer assembling a fantastic coaching team that is both seasoned and includes some former Manatee greats. You will get to know these new members as the season goes along with hearing from our seasoned coaching team. The players are reenergized, possess a strong sense of leadership, and are eager to win!

Additionally, we have recently upgraded parts of our infrastructure that propel us into the age of innovation and technology. In the upcoming days, we'll get into it more detail. You must go to Joe Kinnan Field and Hawkins Stadium on Friday night if you want to see a preview of these thrilling upgrades.

For the first time in school history, we will compete in a Kickoff Classic against the IMG White Varsity squad from Bradenton. IMG will slowly seep into Hawkins Stadium on Friday night with Head Coach Bray in charge. IMG is known for packing the buses and sidelines with really good players from all across the country.

Make sure to check back for news and announcements at

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